
Annual Conference of the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology and the Institute of Genomics

The joint annual conference of the UT Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology and the UT Institute of Genomics, which summarizes the events of 2022 in science, will take place on 11-12 January, 2024. 

The conference will mainly focus on the PhD students and research fellows of the two institutes who were invited to submit their research abstracts. On the basis of the received abstracts, the conference programme committee then selected speakers for oral presentations. The remaining authors will have the opportunity to make poster presentations. The best oral and poster presentations will be awarded. In addition, the audience awards will be chosen from both the oral and the poster presenters.

The conference will also feature presentations by institutes' researchers and external guest speakers.The conference will take place in the Omicum auditorium (room 105, Riia 23b/2) and posters will be presented in the adjacent atrium.

The working language of the conference is English, and there will be no online streaming this year. Please note that photographs will be taken throughout event.


The authors of best oral and poster presentation were awarded by the jury. 

  • Best poster presentation - Biancamaria Bonucci (Institute of Genomics) 
  • Best oral presentation - Kateryna Pantiukh (Institute of Genomics) 

Audience award 

  • Best poster presentation - Robin Sarv (Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology) 
  • Best oral presentation - Kateryna Pantiukh (Institute of Genomics) 

Estonian Society for Microbiology awarded two prizes for microbiology-related presentations:  

  • Best poster presentation - Annabel Klemets (Institute of Genomics) 
  • Best oral presentation - Lea Ets (Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology)

Overview of the year

The Year 2023 of the Institute of Genomics

The Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology 2023

Abstract book

Read the abstract book.

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2023 tümri konverentsi plakat


Lanlab OÜ

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TÜMRI aastakonverentsi logod 23

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