Duration | Title | Funding | PI |
01.01.2024-31.12.2030 | Personaalmeditsiini tippkeskus | Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium | Reedik Mägi |
01.01.2024-31.12.2030 | Eesti juured: rahvastiku ja kultuuri kujunemise transdistsiplinaarsete uuringute tippkeskus | Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium | Kristiina Tambets |
01.01.2024-31.12.2030 | The Centre of Excellence for Well-Being Sciences | Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium | Kelli Lehto |
01.01.2024-31.12.2027 | JAPreventNCD - Vähi ja muude mittenakkuslike haiguste (NCD) ennetamine - tervist määravate tegurite kaudu | Euroopa Komisjon | Andres Metspalu |
01.04.2024–30.09.2025 | Taiwani geneetiline mitmekesisus | Eesti Teadusagentuur | Phillip Endicott |
01.06.2024–31.05.2027 | CHRONOPIA - Ööpäevased rütmid ja nende seos müoopiaga | Euroopa Komisjon | Teele Palumaa |
01.09.2024–31.08.2026 | Oomikaandmete integreerimine II tüüpi diabeedi riskihinnangu parandamiseks | Biocodex Microbiota Foundation | Oliver Aasmets |
01.09.2024–31.08.2027 | ECHO - Inimese mineviku-uuringute konseptsiooni ja metoodika laiendamine Baltimaades | Euroopa Komisjon | Kristiina Tambets |
01.10.2024–31.03.2028 | Genome of Europe | Euroopa Komisjon | Andres Metspalu |
01.11.2024–31.10.2026 | Malaaria evolutsioonilise ajaloo mõistmine kasutades multi-oomika lähenemisviise | Eesti Teadusagentuur | Rémi Philippe Barbieri |
01.01.2025–31.12.2029 | Metaboolse sündroomi ja antipsühhootilise ravivastuse prognoosimudelite arendamine skisofreeniaspektri häirega patsientidele Eestis, kasutades kliinilisi ja elektroonseid terviseandmeid (PSG1028) | Eesti Teadusagentuur | Maris Alver |
01.01.2025–31.12.2029 | Uudne meetod kroonilise neeruhaiguse ennustamiseks ning selle alamtüüpide ja haigustrajektooride leidmiseks (PRG2585) | Eesti Teadusagentuur | Toomas Haller |
01.01.2025–31.12.2029 | PGxOMICS - Süstemaatiline geneetika, füsioloogia ja ravimite koostoimetel põhinev uue põlvkonna farmakogenoomika (PRG2625) | Eesti Teadusagentuur | Lili Milani |
01.01.2025–30.06.2026 | Autismispektri häirete fenotüübid arenevas väikeajus üksikraku tasemel (MOBERC112) | Eesti Teadusagentuur | Mari Sepp |
01.02.2025–31.01.2028 | EASIGEN-DS - Euroopa infrastruktuuri ülesehituse uuring uusimate genoomikatehnoloogiate valdkonnas | Euroopa Komisjon | Kristiina Tambets |
01.03.2025–29.02.2028 | Toitumispõhiste paikkondlike kohastumuste tuvastamine genoomiandmestikest sügavõppe meetodil (PUTJD1258) | Eesti Teadusagentuur | Erwan Pennarun |
01.09.2023 - 31.08.2029 | TeamPerMed – Centre for Data Enriched Medicine | Horizon Europe grant no 101060011 | Mait Metspalu |
01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027 | POINT – Preventing non-communicable diseases caused by the post-acute phase of cOvid-19 INfecTion | Horizon Europe grant no 101137196 | Lili Milani |
01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027 | CVDLINK – A federated paradigm of real-world data sources utilization for the empowerment of diagnosis, prognosis and risk assessment of cardiovascular conditions | Horizon Europe grant no 101137278 | Urmo Võsa |
01.01.2024 - 31.12.2028 | CLARITY – Causative link between respiratory syncytial virus and chronic lung diseases: identifying targets for therapy | Horizon Europe grant no 101137201 | Erik Abner |
01.12.2023 - 30.11.2028 | WISDOM – Well-being improvement through the integration of healthcare and research data and models with out border for chronic immune-mediated diseases | Horizon Europe grant no 101137154 | Tõnu Esko Erik Abner |
01.11.2023 - 31.10.2027 | BETTER4U – Preventing obesity through biologically and behaviorally tailored interventions for you | Horizon Europe grant no 101080117 | Jon Anders Eriksson |
01.04.2023 - 31.03.2025 | RADICAL – Reproductive, Anthropometric and Disease traits Integrated: Coevolutionary Analysis of Life history tradeoffs | Horizon Europe MSCA 101066938 | Liisa Loog |
01.06.2023- 31.05.2025 | Genetic, social and cultural diversity in Iron Age settlements of Ukrainian forest-steppe | MSCA4Ukraine (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action) | Olga Utevska |
01.03.2023 - 28.02.2026 | PUTJD1186 – Understanding local-scale evolutionary history of South Asia and its impact on genetic relatedness, dietary adaptations and disease | Estonian Research Council, (PSG) | Ajai Kumar Pathak |
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2027 | PRG1911 – Novel Method for Type 2 Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes Risk Prediction and its Validation in Estonian and UK Biobanks | Estonian Research Council, (PSG) | Reedik Mägi |
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2027 | PRG1899 – New Horizons of Ancient Biomolecules Research to Study Human Evolution, Disease and Society in the Stone Age | Estonian Research Council, (PSG) | Mait Metspalu |
01.09.2022 - 30.08.2026 | PROPHET - a personalized prevention roadmap for the future healthcare | European Commission | Andres Metspalu |
01.11.2022 - 31.10.2024 | CAN.HEAL - building the EU Cancer and Public Health Genomics platform | EU4Health | Andres Metspalu |
01.11.2022 - 30.10.2026 | Genomic Data Infrastructure | European Commission | Andres Metspalu |
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2026 | ENDOTARGET - Systemic Endotoxemia as the driver of chronic inflammation - Biomarkers and novel therapeutic targets for Arthritis | European Commission | Reedik Mägi |
01.01.2023 - 28.02.2027 | DISCERN - Discovering the causes of three poorly understood cancers in Europe | European Commission | Elin Org |
1.06.2022 - 30.11.2025 | SafePolyMed - Improve Safety in Polymedication by Managing Drug-Drug-Gene Interactions | European Commission | Lili Milani |
1.01.2022 - 31.12.2024 | Genetic Precision Medicine | Swedish Research Council | Lili Milani |
1.01.2022 - 31.12.2026 | Functional characterization and analysis of possible links to diseases of genetic variants of ATF4-TRIB3 cellular stress response pathway components | Estonian Research Council, (PRG) | Tõnis Örd |
1.01.2022 - 31.12.2026 | Improving colorectal cancer screening and prediction using microbiome-based biomarkers | Estonian Research Council, (PRG) | Elin Org |
1.01.2022 - 31.12.2025 | Multi-omic analysis of cervical cancer and related endpoints | Estonian Research Council, (PSG) | Triin Laisk |
1.01.2022 - 31.12.2026 | Functional characterization and analysis of possible links to diseases of genetic variants of ATF4-TRIB3 cellular stress response pathway components | PRG1475 | Tõnis Örd |
1.10.2021 - 31.12.2024 | BRIGHT - Be RIGHT with breast cancer risk management | EIT - European Institute of Innovation and Technology 210406, 220720 | Neeme Tõnisson |
1.10.2021 - 31.12.2026 | Improving colorectal cancer screening and prediction using microbiome-based biomarkers | PRG1414 | Elin Org |
1.10.2021 - 31.12.2025 | Multi-omic analysis of cervical cancer and related endpoints | PSG776 | Triin Laisk |
1.10.2021 - 31.12.2024 | GPM - Genetic Precision Medicine | grant no 2021-02732 | Lili Milani |
1.10.2021 - 30.09.2026 | OPTIMA - Optimal treatment for patients with solid tumours in Europe through Artificial intelligence | European Commission | Andres Metspalu |
01.06.2021 - 31.05.2025 | REALMENT - Using real-world big data from eHealth, biobanks and national registries, integrated with clinical trial data to improve the outcome of severe mental disorders | H2020 grant no 964874 | Lili Milani |
01.04.2021 - 31.03.2026 | TIMESPAN - Management of chronic cardiometabolic disease and treatment discontinuity in adult ADHD patients | H2020 grant no 965381 | Kelli Lehto |
01.03.2021 - 28.02.2025 | ENLIGHTENme - Innovative policies for improving citizens’ health and wellbeing addressing indoor and outdoor lighting | H2020 grant no 945238 | Toomas Haller |
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2025 | OPTOMICS - Combining optoacoustic imaging phenotypes and multi-omics to advance diabetes healthcare | H2020 grant no 101017802 | Reedik Mägi |
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2025 | INTERVENE - International consortium for integrative genomics prediction | H2020 grant no 101016775 | Reedik Mägi |
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2025 | PRG1291 - Sytematic phenome-wide search for genetic modulators in health and disease | Estonian Research Council, (PRG) | Tõnu Esko |
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2025 | PRG1027 - Population structure, health and disease in Medieval Estonia through aDNA perspective | Estonian Research Council, (PRG) | Kristiina Tambets |
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2025 | PSG615 - Genetic investigation of psychiatric and cardiovascular comorbidity: from mechanisms towards improved prevention | Estonian Research Council, (PRG) | Kelli Lehto |
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2024 | PRG1071 - Fathers and mothers of us and our neighbours: from where and when did they come? | Estonian Research Council, (PRG) | Richard Villems |
01.10.2020– 30.09.2025 | ANCESTORS - Making Ancestors: The Politics of Death in Prehistoric Europe | H2020 grant no 885137 | Christiana Lyn Scheib |
01.01.2020 - 30.06.2025 | EXPANSE - EXposome Powered tools for healthy living in urbAN Settings | H2020 grant no 874627 | Tarmo Annilo |
01.01.2020 - 31.12.2025 | OCSEAN - Probing the genetic diversity and demographic history of ancient seafarers in ISEA and Oceania, from archaic hominins to the dispersal of the Malayo-Polyneisan language family. | H2020 grant no 873207 | Phillip Endicott |
01.01.2020 - 31.12.2024 | CorMorMent – Predicting comorbid cardiovascular disease in individuals with mentaal disorder by decoding disease mechanisms | H2020 grant no 847776 | Lili Milani |
Duration | Title | Funding | |
01.01.2019-31.03.2024 | MLFPM2018 - Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine | H2020 grant no. 813533 | Krista Fischer |
1.04.2022 - 31.12.2023 | Evaluating accumulative effect of antidepressants usage on the gut microbiome | Biocodex Microbiota Foundation | Elin Org |
1.09.2022 - 30.11.2023 | 4.UNCAN.eu - a Coordination and Support Action to prepare UNCAN.eu platform | European Commission | Neeme Tõnisson |
1.10.2021 - 31.08.2023 | BIO-SUD - a biobank for substance use disorders in Apulia: looking at genomes toward a personalized medicine approach | 2018-PDR-01136 | Mari Nelis |
01.01.2021- 31.12.2023 | Blood-Biome - Gut-blood-liver axis: Circulating microbiome as non-invasive biomarker for Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) | European Economic Area (EEA) States (lceland and Liechtenstein) and Norway 2014-2021 grant no LT08-2-LMT. K-01-060) | Elin Org |
01.11.2020 - 31.12.2022 | COVIDMENT - Mental morbidity trajectories in COVID-19 across risk populations of five nations | NordForsk, Estonian Research Council, project no. 105668 | Kelli Lehto |
01.09.2020– 31.10.2022 | MyHealthStudy - Development of My Health Study for data collection and feedback of personalized health information | Norway Grants Green ICT programme, project no EU53928 | Lili Milani |
01.09.2020– 31.08.2023 | GENOMEPEP – Uncovering Pathogenic Micropeptides From the Human Genome | H2020 grant no. 894987 | Erik Abner |
01.06.2020– 31.05.2023 | B1MG - Beyond 1M Genomes | H2020 grant no. 951724 | Andres Metspalu |
01.04.2020– 31.04.2022 | DETECT ARRHYTHMIAS - Investigating DETerminants of atrial Electrical ConducTion underlying ARRHYTHMIAS | ERA-NET (ERA-CVD), Estonian Research Council, grant MOBERA21 | Tõnu Esko |
01.02.2019-31.01.2023 | EASI-Genomics - European Advanced infraStructure for Innovative Genomics | H2020 grant no. 824110 | Kristiina Tambets |
01.01.2019- 31.12.2022 | PRG555 - Evaluation of genetic variants potentially linked to actionable health risks | Estonian Research Council, (PRG) | Neeme Tõnisson |
01.09.2018– 31.08.2023 | cGEM - the Center for Genomics, Evolution and Medicine | H2020 grant no. 810645 | Mait Metspalu |
01.05.2018- 30.04.2022 | PRESICE4Q - Personalised Medicine by Predictive Modelling in Stroke for better Quality of Life | Horizon 2020 grant no. 777107 | Lili Milani |
01.01.2018– 31.12.2022 | PRG243 - Natural selection and migrations in shaping human genetic diversity in East European Plain. An ancient DNA study | Estonian Research Council, (PRG) | Mait Metspalu |
17.09.2018– 16.09.2022 | EnGage - Enhancing Psychiatric Genetic Counselling, Testing, and Training in Europe | COST-action grant no CA17130 | Andres Metspalu, Eero Vasar |
1.01.2018− 31.12.2022 | PRG184 - Role of Rare and Common Genetic Variants in Adverse Drug Reactions | Estonian Research Council, (PRG) | Lili Milani |
01.01.2016 - 01.03.2023 | GENTRANSMED - Centre of Excellence for Genomics and Translational Medicine | Archimedes Foundation, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the development of CoEs, project no 2014-2020.4.01.15-0012 | Andres Metspalu |
01.03.2016-31.08.2022 | Roadmap ELIXIR Estonia - A Distributed Infrastructure for Life-Science Information | SA Archimedes | Mait Metspalu |
01.01.2016 - 31.08.2022 | Estonian Center of Genomics/Roadmap II | Archimedes Foundation, EU Regional Development Fund, project no. 2014-2020.4.01.16 0125 | Andres Metspalu |
01.01.2016-31.08.2022 | ASTRA UBiLaMoPop - Ultrasensitive Biomolecule Laboratory and Modern Population Genetics | Archimedes Foundation, EU Regional Development Fund, project no 2014-2020.4.01.16-0030 | Mait Metspalu |
01.01.2016– 31.08.2022 | ASTRA - Competence Center of Personalized and Translational Medicine | Archimedes Foundation, EU Regional Development Fund, project no 2014-2020.4.01.16-0027 | Andres Metspalu, Allen Kaasik |
15.08.2017 - 31.07.2022 | NIH-GIANT - Biological Insights from Genetic Investigation of ANthropometric Traits (GIANT) Across the Allelic Spectrum | National Institute of Health of USA, Boston Children Hospital | Tõnu Esko |
01.09.2018– 31.08.2022 | druggable-MI-genes - Utilising myocardial infarction genes for better treatment | ERA-NET (ERA-CVD), Estonian Research Council, project MOBERA15 | Andres Metspalu, Tarmo Annilo |
01.05.2019- 30.04.2022 | T2DPrevention - Development of measures for improving the quality of diagnosis and prevention of type 2 diabetes | Estonia-Russia CBC Programme 2014-2020, project no ER24 | Tõnu Esko |
01.09.2020– 31.10.2022 | MOBEC008 - cGEM – Centre for Genomics, Evolution and Medicine | Estonian Research Council, Mobilitas+ grant MOBEC008 | Jon Anders Eriksson |
01.10.2020– 31.03.2022 | MOBERC32 - LASTWORDS: Proof of Concept | Estonian Research Council, Mobilitas+ grant MOBERC32 | Phillip Endicott |
01.09.2020– 28.02.2022 | RaVaTe - Estonian national mental health survey | Estonian Research Council, project no. RITA1/ 02-112-03 | Lili Milani, Kelli Lehto |
14.09.2020- 21.03.2022 | CORIVA - Analysis of COVID-19 cases and identification of risk groups in Estonia | Estonian Research Council, project no. RITA1/02-120 | Lili Milani |
16.03.2021 - 23.01.2022 | MINERVA: Metadata for data dIscoverability aNd study rEplicability in obseRVAtional studies | European Medicines Ageny | Andres Metspalu |
2017-2021 | CliniMARK - “Good biomarker practice” to increase the number of clinically validated biomarkers | H2020 COST action grant no. CA16113 | Krista Fischer, Toomas Haller |
01.01.2018– 31.05.2021 | estPerMed I - Clinical pilot projects of personalised medicine in the precise prevention of breast cancer and cardiovascular diseases | Estonian Research Council, (RITA) | Andres Metspalu |
01.03.2018– 28.02.2021 | GEIGHEI - Gene-Environment Interplay in the Generation of Health and Education Inequalities | NORFACE-DIAL, Estonian Research Council, project MOBERA5 | Tõnu Esko |
01.05.2017-30.04.2021 | MOBTT53 - Unravelling the Estonian genome: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts | Estonian Research Council, (Mobilitas+) | Luca Pagani |
01.09.2018– 31.08.2021 | M2T2D - The interplay between gut microbiota and metformin treatment in type 2 diabetes | European Molecular Biology Organization grant no. 3573 | Elin Org |
01.09.2019– 31.08.2021 | MOBTP108 - Fine-mapping causal genetic variants of complex traits by using large-scale eQTL data | Estonian Research Council, Mobilitas+ grant MOBTP108 | Urmo Võsa |
01.11.2019 - 31.10.2021 | MOBTP155 - Characterizing the contribution of DNA rare variants, copy number variants, and placenta histological changes in miscarriage etiopathogenesis | Estonian Research Council, Mobilitas+ grant MOBTP155 | Triin Laisk |
01.01.2021 - 31.08.2021 | MOBTP142 - Depression and dementia in old age: Towards improved differential diagnosis using individual-level genetic data | Estonian Research Council, Mobilitas+ project no. MOBTP142 | Kelli Lehto |
01.01.2020-31.12.2020 | PUT PRG687 - Development and application of genetic risk prediction algorithms for personalised healthcare in the era of large-scale genomics | Estonian Research Council (PRG) | Reedik Mägi |
01.01.2017-31.12.2020 | PUT1701 - Elucidation of the role of Tribbles homolog 3 (TRIB3) in the cellular stress response and normal physiology | Estonian Research Council (PRG) | Tõnis Örd |
01.01.2017 – 31.12.2020 | ESKO - PUT1660 - Utilizing special human populations to quantify the impact of rare DNA sequence variants in human health | Estonian Research Council (PRG) | Tõnu Esko |
01.01.2017– 31.12.2020 | FISCHER - PUT1665P - Genetic and epidemiological predictors for all-cause and cause-specific mortality in the Estonian population | Estonian Research Council (PRG) | Krista Fischer |
01.01.2017– 31.12.2020 | ORG - PUT1371 - The interplay between gut microbiota and metformin treatment in type 2 diabetes through bile acid metabolism | Estonian Research Council (PRG) | Elin Org |
01.05.2015– 31.10.2020 | Ageing with Elegans - C. elegansi elulisuse mudeli valideerimine, et paremini mõista tervise ja haiguse faktoreid eesmärgiga arendada tõenduspõhiseid preventsiooni, diagnostika, ravi ja muid strateegiaid | EU H2020 grant no 633589 | Andres Metspalu |
01.01.2016-30.09.2020 | PUT1339 - Deciphering the human past across East European populations | Estonian Research Council (PRG) | Alena Kushniarevich |
1.09.2017-31.08.2020 | DETECTIN-HF – Determining the role of clinical epi-genetic risk markers in cardiomyopathies and heart failure | ERA-CVD grant (Joint transnational call 2016), Estonian Research Council, grant no 4-8/17/7 | Andres Metspalu, Maris Alver |
1.09.2015 – 31.05.2020 | CORBEL - Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science services | EU H2020 grant 654248 | Andres Metspalu |
01.01.2014-31.12.2019 | IUT24-1 - The dawn of whole genomic era in archaeogenetics | Estonian Research Council (IRG) | Richard Villems |
1.01.2014 – 31.12.2019 | IUT20-60 Omics for health: an integrated approach to understand and predict human disease | Estonian Research Council (IRG) | Andres Metspalu |
January 2014 - December 2019 | IUT24-6 Tuumiktaristu: Estonian Centre for Genomics | Estonian Research Council, EU Social Fund support for core facilities | Andres Metspalu |
01.07.2019 - 31.10.2019 | Green ICT – Preliminary studies on the development of a health and lifestyle data collection and management system | Norway Grants Green ICT programme | Lili Milani |
1.08.2015 – 31.03.2019 | ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC - implementAtion anD OPeration of the gateway for healTh into BBMRI-ERIC | EU H2020 grant no 676550 | Andres Metspalu |
01.01.2016 – 28.02.2019 | ePerMed - Rise of scientific excellence and collaboration for implementing personalised medicine in Estonia | EU H2020 grant no. 692145 | Andres Metspalu, Merike Leego, Merit Kreitsberg |
01.01.2018 – 31.12.2018 | Point Lab - Population Intelligence Lab | EIT-Health | Tõnu Esko, Andrei Baikov |
01.01.2018 – 31.12.2018 | i-Days - Innovation Days | EIT-Health | Andres Metspalu, Merike Leego, Merit Kreitsberg |
01.01.2018 – 31.12.2018 | EIT Health Product/Market Fit | EIT-Health | Andres Metspalu, Andrei Baikov |
01.01.2016-31.12.2018 | PUT1217 - Temporal dynamics of population structure in the territory of present Estonia - synthesis of data from ancient and contemporary genomes | Eesti Teadusagentuur (PRG) | Kristiina Tambets |
2016–2018 | EIT – Health | EU grant EIT-Health by European Institute of Innovation & Technology | Andres Mestpalu, Merike Leego |
1.01.2015 – 31.12.2018 | TÕNISSON – PUT736 - Circulating DNA as a biomarker of lung cancer | Eesti Teadusagentuur (PRG) | Neeme Tõnisson |
2015 –2018 | STACC EU48684 - Technologies for Information Extraction, data integration and management | Tõnu Esko | |
2014 – 2018 | NIASC - The Nordic Information for Action eScience Center | Nordic Centres of Excellence, NeGI NCoE eScience in Health and social preconditions for health grant no. 62721 | Andres Metspalu |
September 2015- August 2018 | ECHC - Estonian Connected Health Cluster / Klastrite arendamise programm | EAS grant no EU49305 | Merike Leego |
01.03.2016 - 28.02.2018 | BioAge Labs - Understanding molecular signatures for human aging and all-cause mortality | Collaboration agreement with BioAge Labs Inc., USA | Tõnu Esko |
01.03.2017 – 30.11.2017 | DocuMental - digital support system for mental health | Connected Health Cluster | Andres Metspalu, Eduard Maron |
1.02.2013 – 01.01.2018 | Best Ageing - Biomarker Research Alliance for Diagnosing Heart Disease in the Ageing European Population | EU FP7 grant no 306031 | Andres Metspalu, Tarmo Annilo |
1.02.2013 – 30.11.2017 | BBMRI-LPC - Bio banking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure-Large Prospective Cohorts | EU FP7, grant no 313010 | Andres Metspalu; Merike Leego, Annely Allik |
November 2013 - November 2017 | CHIP ME - Citizen's Health through public-private Initiatives: Public health, Market and Ethical perspectives | FP7 ISCH COST Action grant no IS1303-271113-07872 | Andres Metspalu, Merike Leego |
July 2012 – July 2017 | NIH-BMI - Candidate Gene Studies of Obesity Guided by Whole Genome Association Data | NIH, Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Services, USA, grant no. 2R01DK075787-06A1 | Andres Metspalu, Tõnu Esko |
January 2016 – March 2017 | BroadNext10 - Towards Genomic-Based Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death | NIH, Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Services, USA | Andres Metspalu, Tõnu Esko |
01.01.2016 - 31.12.2017 | EIT-Health Mobilitas | Eesti Teadusagentuur, Mobilitas+ grant | Andres Metspalu |
17.10.2016 -20.11.2016 | JJ Pilot - Pilot study to obtain an overview of available genotypic and phenotypic information in the biobank database | in collaboration with Janssen Research & Development LLC | Tõnu Esko |
September 2013 – August 2016 | MIBIOandCMD - Gut microbiota, choline metabolites and cardiometabolic diseases | FP7 Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF) grant no 330381 | Elin Org |
July 2013 – June 2016 | Nestle – Genomic and Metabolomic study to identify factors implicated in resistance to weight gain | Collaboration agreement | Andres Metspalu, Reedik Mägi |
March 2011 – March 2016 | CTG - Center of Translational Genomics | Development Fund of the University of Tartu | Andres Metspalu |
January 2015 – December 2015 | PerMed I - Pilot project "Creation of database of genome variability among Estonians" for personalized project | TerVE program | Andres Metspalu, Merike Leego |
2014-2015 | TAP48-2 - Upgrade of the instrumentation in the pan-university core facility for genotyping and sequencing services | EU structural Fund support through Archimedes Foundation, grant no 3.2.0302.13-0551 / SA Archimedes, Euroopa Stukruurifond, grant nr 3.2.0302.13-0551 | Andres Metspalu, Maris Väli-Täht |
January 2012 – December 2015 | Fischer ETF - Causal inference methodology for studies involving conventional and Mendelian randomization | Estonian Research Foundation grant no ETF9353 | Krista Fischer |
January 2012 – December 2015 | MILANI ETF - In-depth genetic and epigenetic analyses of genes involved in drug metabolism by next-generation sequencing | Estonian Research Foundation grant no ETF9293 | Lili Milani |
April 2011- December 2015 | Estonian Centre for Genomics | Estonian and European Research (infrastructure) Roadmap grant no 3.2.0304.11-0312 | Merike Leego, Ene Mölder, Andres Metspalu |
January 2008 – December 2015 | TIPPKESKUS – Centre of Excellence in Genomics | Funding from EU European Regional Development Fund for the development of CoEs | Andres Metspalu, Maido Remm |
October 2011 - September 2015 | BiomarCaRE - Biomarker for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Europe | FP7-HEALTH-2011.2.4.2-2, grant no 278913 | Andres Metspalu, Maris Alver |
October 2011 – September 2015 | EUSARNAD - Joint European and South African Research Network in Anxiety Disorders | FP7-PEOPLE-2010 (Marie Curie Actions—International Research Staff Exchange Scheme IRSES) grant no 269213 | Andres Metspalu |
January 2012 – August 2015 | IndiMed - Implementation of Individualized Medicine: Education, Prediction and Treatment | EU structural support through Archimedes Foundation, grant no: 3.2.1001.11-0033 | Andres Metspalu, Krista Fischer |
January 2005 – December 2014 | SOTSMIN - Secure storage of all Estonian Genome Center tissue samples and data, establishing the prerequisites and guarantees for the long-term maintenance and usability of the samples and data | Target financing from Estonian Ministry of Education and Science, grant no. SP1GVSOM | Andres Metspalu |
June 2011 - May 2014 | EuroEPINOMICS - Genetics of rare epilepsy syndromes (RES) | ESF grant, EUROCORES program | Andres Metspalu, Tiina Talvik, Eva Reinmaa, Margit Nõukas |
March 2011 – February 2014 | MILANI MOBILTAS - In-depth Genetic and Epigenetic Analysis of the Cytochrome P450 System by Next-Generation Sequencing | MOBILITAS Postdoctoral Research Grant no MJD71 | Lili Milani |
August 2012 – January 2014 | TAP 30-1 - Modernization of the Genotyping and Sequencing Centre of the University of Tartu | EU structural Fund support through Archimedes Foundation, grant no. 3.2.0302.12-0429 | Andres Metspalu, Maris Väli-Täht |
January 2008 – December 2013 | Targeted Financing - Genetic variations, lifestyle and environmental factors in shaping the human health | Funding from Estonian Research Council no. SF0180142Cs08 | Andres Metspalu |
May 2012 - April 2013 | EFSD - Genomic, metabolomic, and demographic characteristics of type 2 diabetes in the Estonian population | European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD) grant | Andres Metspalu, Toomas Haller
January 2008 – December 2012 | ENGAGE - European Network for Genetic and Genomic Epidemiology | FP7-HEALTH CP Collaborative grant no 201413 | Andres Metspalu |
January 2009 – December 2012 | Metspalu ETF - Human genome variability and its association with longevity | Estonian Research Council, grant no ETF7859 | Andres Metspalu |
December 2009 - November 2012 | OPENGENE - Opening Estonian Genome Project for European Research Area | FP7-REGPOT-2009-1 grant no 245536 | Andres Metspalu, Merike Leego |
May 2010 – April 2012 | TAP2-22 - Establishment of the Genotyping and Sequencing Centre of the University of Tartu | EU structural support through Archimedes Foundation, grant no 3.2.0302.10-0190 | Andres Metspalu, Merike Leego |
April 2009 – March 2012 | EUROCOURSE—Europe against Cancer: Optimisation of the Use of Registries for Scientific Excellence in research | FP7-ERANET-2007-RTD grant no 219453 | Andres Metspalu, Mati Rahu |
January 2010 – January 2012 | TAP2-3 – Upgrade of sample release system in Estonian Genome Center, the University of Tartu | EU structural support through Archimedes Foundation, grant no 3.2.0302.10-0189 | Andres Metspalu, Krista Liiv |
February 2008 – July 2010 | BBMRI - Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure | FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2007 grant no 212111 | Andres Metspalu |
April 2007 - September 2009 | IDAMES - Innovative Dietary Assessment Methods in Epidemiological Studies and Public Health | FP7 Public Health Program, grant no 2006315 | Andres Metspalu, Aidula-Taie Kaasik |
March 2006 - August 2009 | PHOEBE - Harmonising Population-BasedBiobanks and Cohort Studies to Strengthen the Foundation of Biomedical Science in the Post-Genome Era | FP6 grant no 518148 | Andres Metspalu |
March 2005 – November 2007 | HeCaPrev EE LV - Development of Hereditary Cancer Prevention Measures in Estonia and Latvia | INTERREG Regional Development Fund INTERREG IIIA grant no NI008 | Andres Metspalu, Monika Tuuling, Helene Alavere |
July 2005 - June 2007 | ScanBalt Campus - A European Model Case for Transnational Institution Building in Education Research and Development | Baltic Sea Region INTERREG IIIB | Andres Metspalu, Helene Alavere |
March 2005 - January 2006 | ScanBalt - ScanBalt Clinical Research Network | Nordic Innovations Center grant no 04096 | Andres Metspalu, Helene Alavere, Estonian Genome Project Foundation |