Overview of the projects

01.01.2024-31.12.2030Personaalmeditsiini tippkeskusHaridus- ja TeadusministeeriumReedik Mägi
01.01.2024-31.12.2030Eesti juured: rahvastiku ja kultuuri kujunemise transdistsiplinaarsete uuringute tippkeskusHaridus- ja TeadusministeeriumKristiina Tambets
01.01.2024-31.12.2030The Centre of Excellence for Well-Being SciencesHaridus- ja TeadusministeeriumKelli Lehto
01.01.2024-31.12.2027JAPreventNCD - Vähi ja muude mittenakkuslike haiguste (NCD) ennetamine - tervist määravate tegurite kauduEuroopa KomisjonAndres Metspalu
Taiwani geneetiline mitmekesisus
Eesti TeadusagentuurPhillip Endicott
01.06.2024–31.05.2027CHRONOPIA - Ööpäevased rütmid ja nende seos müoopiagaEuroopa KomisjonTeele Palumaa
01.09.2024–31.08.2026Oomikaandmete integreerimine II tüüpi diabeedi riskihinnangu parandamiseksBiocodex Microbiota FoundationOliver Aasmets
01.09.2024–31.08.2027ECHO - Inimese mineviku-uuringute konseptsiooni ja metoodika laiendamine BaltimaadesEuroopa KomisjonKristiina Tambets
01.10.2024–31.03.2028Genome of EuropeEuroopa KomisjonAndres Metspalu
01.11.2024–31.10.2026Malaaria evolutsioonilise ajaloo mõistmine kasutades multi-oomika lähenemisviiseEesti TeadusagentuurRémi Philippe Barbieri
01.01.2025–31.12.2029Metaboolse sündroomi ja antipsühhootilise ravivastuse prognoosimudelite arendamine skisofreeniaspektri häirega patsientidele Eestis, kasutades kliinilisi ja elektroonseid terviseandmeid (PSG1028)Eesti TeadusagentuurMaris Alver
01.01.2025–31.12.2029Uudne meetod kroonilise neeruhaiguse ennustamiseks ning selle alamtüüpide ja haigustrajektooride leidmiseks (PRG2585)Eesti TeadusagentuurToomas Haller
01.01.2025–31.12.2029PGxOMICS - Süstemaatiline geneetika, füsioloogia ja ravimite koostoimetel põhinev uue põlvkonna farmakogenoomika (PRG2625)Eesti TeadusagentuurLili Milani
01.01.2025–30.06.2026Autismispektri häirete fenotüübid arenevas väikeajus üksikraku tasemel (MOBERC112)Eesti TeadusagentuurMari Sepp
01.02.2025–31.01.2028EASIGEN-DS - Euroopa infrastruktuuri ülesehituse uuring uusimate genoomikatehnoloogiate valdkonnasEuroopa KomisjonKristiina Tambets
01.03.2025–29.02.2028Toitumispõhiste paikkondlike kohastumuste tuvastamine genoomiandmestikest sügavõppe meetodil (PUTJD1258)Eesti TeadusagentuurErwan Pennarun
01.09.2023 - 31.08.2029TeamPerMed – Centre for Data Enriched Medicine Horizon Europe grant no 101060011Mait Metspalu
01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027POINT – Preventing non-communicable diseases caused by the post-acute phase of cOvid-19 INfecTionHorizon Europe grant no 101137196Lili Milani
01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027CVDLINK – A federated paradigm of real-world data sources utilization for the empowerment of diagnosis, prognosis and risk assessment of cardiovascular conditionsHorizon Europe grant no 101137278Urmo Võsa
01.01.2024 - 31.12.2028CLARITY – Causative link between respiratory syncytial virus and chronic lung diseases: identifying targets for therapyHorizon Europe grant no 101137201Erik Abner
01.12.2023 - 30.11.2028WISDOM – Well-being improvement through the integration of healthcare and research data and models with out border for chronic immune-mediated diseasesHorizon Europe grant no 101137154Tõnu Esko
Erik Abner
01.11.2023 - 31.10.2027BETTER4U – Preventing obesity through biologically and behaviorally tailored interventions for youHorizon Europe grant no 101080117Jon Anders Eriksson
01.04.2023 - 31.03.2025RADICAL – Reproductive, Anthropometric and Disease traits Integrated: Coevolutionary Analysis of Life history tradeoffsHorizon Europe MSCA 101066938Liisa Loog
Genetic, social and cultural diversity in Iron Age settlements of Ukrainian forest-steppeMSCA4Ukraine (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action)Olga Utevska
01.03.2023 - 28.02.2026PUTJD1186 – Understanding local-scale evolutionary history of South Asia and its impact on genetic relatedness, dietary adaptations and diseaseEstonian Research Council, (PSG)Ajai Kumar Pathak
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2027PRG1911 – Novel Method for Type 2 Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes Risk Prediction and its Validation in Estonian and UK BiobanksEstonian Research Council, (PSG)Reedik Mägi
01.01.2023 - 31.12.2027PRG1899 – New Horizons of Ancient Biomolecules Research to Study Human Evolution, Disease and Society in the Stone AgeEstonian Research Council, (PSG)Mait Metspalu
01.09.2022 - 30.08.2026PROPHET - a personalized prevention roadmap for the future healthcareEuropean CommissionAndres Metspalu
01.11.2022 - 31.10.2024CAN.HEAL - building the EU Cancer and Public Health Genomics platformEU4HealthAndres Metspalu
01.11.2022 -
Genomic Data InfrastructureEuropean CommissionAndres Metspalu
01.01.2023 -
ENDOTARGET - Systemic Endotoxemia as the driver of chronic inflammation - Biomarkers and novel therapeutic targets for ArthritisEuropean CommissionReedik Mägi
01.01.2023 -
DISCERN - Discovering the causes of three poorly understood cancers in EuropeEuropean CommissionElin Org
1.06.2022 -
SafePolyMed - Improve Safety in Polymedication by Managing Drug-Drug-Gene InteractionsEuropean CommissionLili Milani
1.01.2022 - 31.12.2024Genetic Precision MedicineSwedish Research CouncilLili Milani
1.01.2022 -
Functional characterization and analysis of possible links to diseases of genetic variants of ATF4-TRIB3 cellular stress response pathway componentsEstonian Research Council, (PRG)Tõnis Örd
1.01.2022 -
Improving colorectal cancer screening and prediction using microbiome-based biomarkersEstonian Research Council, (PRG)Elin Org
1.01.2022 -
Multi-omic analysis of cervical cancer and related endpointsEstonian Research Council, (PSG)Triin Laisk
1.01.2022 -
Functional characterization and analysis of possible links to diseases of genetic variants of ATF4-TRIB3 cellular stress response pathway componentsPRG1475Tõnis Örd
1.10.2021 -
BRIGHT - Be RIGHT with breast cancer risk managementEIT - European Institute of Innovation and Technology
210406, 220720
Neeme Tõnisson
1.10.2021 -

Improving colorectal cancer screening and prediction using microbiome-based biomarkers
PRG1414Elin Org
1.10.2021 -

Multi-omic analysis of cervical cancer and related endpoints
PSG776Triin Laisk
1.10.2021 -

GPM - Genetic Precision Medicine
grant no 2021-02732 Lili Milani
1.10.2021 -
OPTIMA - Optimal treatment for patients with solid tumours in Europe through Artificial intelligenceEuropean CommissionAndres Metspalu
01.06.2021 - 31.05.2025 REALMENT - Using real-world big data from eHealth, biobanks and national registries, integrated with clinical trial data to improve the outcome of severe mental disordersH2020 grant no 964874 Lili Milani
01.04.2021 - 31.03.2026TIMESPAN - Management of chronic cardiometabolic disease and treatment discontinuity in adult ADHD patients H2020 grant no 965381Kelli Lehto
01.03.2021 - 28.02.2025ENLIGHTENme - Innovative policies for improving citizens’ health and wellbeing addressing indoor and outdoor lighting H2020 grant no 945238Toomas Haller
01.01.2021 -
OPTOMICS - Combining optoacoustic imaging phenotypes and multi-omics to advance diabetes healthcare H2020 grant no 101017802Reedik Mägi
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2025INTERVENE - International consortium for integrative genomics prediction H2020 grant no 101016775Reedik Mägi
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2025PRG1291 - Sytematic phenome-wide search for genetic modulators in health and disease Estonian Research Council, (PRG)Tõnu Esko
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2025PRG1027 - Population structure, health and disease in Medieval Estonia through aDNA perspective Estonian Research Council, (PRG)Kristiina Tambets
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2025PSG615 - Genetic investigation of psychiatric and cardiovascular comorbidity: from mechanisms towards improved prevention Estonian Research Council, (PRG)Kelli Lehto
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2024PRG1071 - Fathers and mothers of us and our neighbours: from where and when did they come?Estonian Research Council, (PRG)Richard Villems
01.10.2020– 30.09.2025ANCESTORS - Making Ancestors: The Politics of Death in Prehistoric Europe H2020 grant no 885137Christiana Lyn Scheib
01.01.2020 - 30.06.2025EXPANSE - EXposome Powered tools for healthy living in urbAN SettingsH2020 grant no 874627Tarmo Annilo
01.01.2020 - 31.12.2025OCSEAN - Probing the genetic diversity and demographic history of ancient seafarers in ISEA and Oceania, from archaic hominins to the dispersal of the Malayo-Polyneisan language family.H2020 grant no 873207Phillip Endicott
01.01.2020 - 31.12.2024CorMorMent – Predicting comorbid cardiovascular disease in individuals with mentaal disorder by decoding disease mechanismsH2020 grant no 847776Lili Milani
01.01.2019-31.03.2024MLFPM2018 - Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine H2020 grant no. 813533Krista Fischer
1.04.2022 -
Evaluating accumulative effect of antidepressants usage on the gut microbiomeBiocodex Microbiota FoundationElin Org
1.09.2022 -
4.UNCAN.eu - a Coordination and Support Action to prepare UNCAN.eu platformEuropean CommissionNeeme Tõnisson
1.10.2021 -
BIO-SUD - a biobank for substance use disorders in Apulia: looking at genomes toward a personalized medicine approach2018-PDR-01136Mari Nelis
01.01.2021- 31.12.2023Blood-Biome - Gut-blood-liver axis: Circulating microbiome as non-invasive biomarker for Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) European Economic Area (EEA) States (lceland and Liechtenstein) and Norway 2014-2021 grant no LT08-2-LMT. K-01-060)Elin Org
01.11.2020 - 31.12.2022COVIDMENT - Mental morbidity trajectories in COVID-19 across risk populations of five nations NordForsk, Estonian Research Council, project no. 105668Kelli Lehto
01.09.2020– 31.10.2022MyHealthStudy - Development of My Health Study for data collection and feedback of personalized health information Norway Grants Green ICT programme, project no EU53928Lili Milani
01.09.2020– 31.08.2023GENOMEPEP – Uncovering Pathogenic Micropeptides From the Human GenomeH2020 grant no. 894987Erik Abner
01.06.2020– 31.05.2023B1MG - Beyond 1M GenomesH2020 grant no. 951724Andres Metspalu
01.04.2020– 31.04.2022DETECT ARRHYTHMIAS - Investigating DETerminants of atrial Electrical ConducTion underlying ARRHYTHMIASERA-NET (ERA-CVD), Estonian Research Council, grant MOBERA21Tõnu Esko
01.02.2019-31.01.2023EASI-Genomics - European Advanced infraStructure for Innovative Genomics H2020 grant no. 824110Kristiina Tambets
01.01.2019- 31.12.2022PRG555 - Evaluation of genetic variants potentially linked to actionable health risks Estonian Research Council, (PRG)Neeme Tõnisson
01.09.2018– 31.08.2023cGEM - the Center for Genomics, Evolution and MedicineH2020 grant no. 810645Mait Metspalu
PRESICE4Q - Personalised Medicine by Predictive Modelling in Stroke for better Quality of Life Horizon 2020 grant no. 777107Lili Milani
01.01.2018– 31.12.2022PRG243 - Natural selection and migrations in shaping human genetic diversity in East European Plain. An ancient DNA study Estonian Research Council, (PRG)Mait Metspalu
17.09.2018– 16.09.2022EnGage - Enhancing Psychiatric Genetic Counselling, Testing, and Training in Europe COST-action grant no CA17130Andres Metspalu, Eero Vasar
1.01.2018− 31.12.2022PRG184 - Role of Rare and Common Genetic Variants in Adverse Drug Reactions Estonian Research Council, (PRG)Lili Milani
01.01.2016 - 01.03.2023GENTRANSMED - Centre of Excellence for Genomics and Translational Medicine Archimedes Foundation, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the development of CoEs, project no 2014-2020.4.01.15-0012 Andres Metspalu
01.03.2016-31.08.2022Roadmap ELIXIR Estonia - A Distributed Infrastructure for Life-Science Information SA ArchimedesMait Metspalu
01.01.2016 - 31.08.2022Estonian Center of Genomics/Roadmap II Archimedes Foundation, EU Regional Development Fund, project no. 2014-2020.4.01.16 0125Andres Metspalu
01.01.2016-31.08.2022ASTRA UBiLaMoPop - Ultrasensitive Biomolecule Laboratory and Modern Population Genetics Archimedes Foundation, EU Regional Development Fund, project no 2014-2020.4.01.16-0030 Mait Metspalu
01.01.2016– 31.08.2022ASTRA - Competence Center of Personalized and Translational Medicine Archimedes Foundation, EU Regional Development Fund, project no 2014-2020.4.01.16-0027 Andres Metspalu, Allen Kaasik
15.08.2017 - 31.07.2022NIH-GIANT - Biological Insights from Genetic Investigation of ANthropometric Traits (GIANT) Across the Allelic Spectrum National Institute of Health of USA, Boston Children HospitalTõnu Esko
01.09.2018– 31.08.2022druggable-MI-genes - Utilising myocardial infarction genes for better treatment ERA-NET (ERA-CVD), Estonian Research Council, project MOBERA15Andres Metspalu, Tarmo Annilo
01.05.2019- 30.04.2022T2DPrevention - Development of measures for improving the quality of diagnosis and prevention of type 2 diabetes Estonia-Russia CBC Programme 2014-2020, project no ER24Tõnu Esko
01.09.2020– 31.10.2022MOBEC008 - cGEM – Centre for Genomics, Evolution and Medicine Estonian Research Council, Mobilitas+ grant MOBEC008Jon Anders Eriksson
01.10.2020– 31.03.2022MOBERC32 - LASTWORDS: Proof of Concept Estonian Research Council, Mobilitas+ grant MOBERC32Phillip Endicott
01.09.2020– 28.02.2022RaVaTe - Estonian national mental health surveyEstonian Research Council, project no. RITA1/ 02-112-03Lili Milani, Kelli Lehto
14.09.2020- 21.03.2022CORIVA - Analysis of COVID-19 cases and identification of risk groups in EstoniaEstonian Research Council, project no. RITA1/02-120Lili Milani
16.03.2021 -
MINERVA: Metadata for data dIscoverability aNd study rEplicability in obseRVAtional studiesEuropean Medicines AgenyAndres Metspalu
2017-2021CliniMARK - “Good biomarker practice” to increase the number of clinically validated biomarkersH2020 COST action grant no. CA16113Krista Fischer, Toomas Haller
01.01.2018– 31.05.2021estPerMed I - Clinical pilot projects of personalised medicine in the precise prevention of breast cancer and cardiovascular diseases Estonian Research Council, (RITA)Andres Metspalu
01.03.2018– 28.02.2021GEIGHEI - Gene-Environment Interplay in the Generation of Health and Education Inequalities NORFACE-DIAL, Estonian Research Council, project MOBERA5Tõnu Esko
01.05.2017-30.04.2021MOBTT53 - Unravelling the Estonian genome: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts Estonian Research Council, (Mobilitas+)Luca Pagani
01.09.2018– 31.08.2021M2T2D - The interplay between gut microbiota and metformin treatment in type 2 diabetes European Molecular Biology Organization grant no. 3573Elin Org
01.09.2019– 31.08.2021MOBTP108 - Fine-mapping causal genetic variants of complex traits by using large-scale eQTL dataEstonian Research Council, Mobilitas+ grant MOBTP108Urmo Võsa
01.11.2019 - 31.10.2021MOBTP155 - Characterizing the contribution of DNA rare variants, copy number variants, and placenta histological changes in miscarriage etiopathogenesis Estonian Research Council, Mobilitas+ grant MOBTP155Triin Laisk
01.01.2021 - 31.08.2021MOBTP142 - Depression and dementia in old age: Towards improved differential diagnosis using individual-level genetic data Estonian Research Council, Mobilitas+ project no. MOBTP142Kelli Lehto
01.01.2020-31.12.2020PUT PRG687 - Development and application of genetic risk prediction algorithms for personalised healthcare in the era of large-scale genomics Estonian Research Council (PRG)Reedik Mägi
01.01.2017-31.12.2020PUT1701 - Elucidation of the role of Tribbles homolog 3 (TRIB3) in the cellular stress response and normal physiology Estonian Research Council (PRG)Tõnis Örd
01.01.2017 – 31.12.2020ESKO - PUT1660 - Utilizing special human populations to quantify the impact of rare DNA sequence variants in human health Estonian Research Council (PRG)Tõnu Esko
01.01.2017– 31.12.2020FISCHER - PUT1665P - Genetic and epidemiological predictors for all-cause and cause-specific mortality in the Estonian populationEstonian Research Council (PRG)Krista Fischer
01.01.2017– 31.12.2020 ORG - PUT1371 - The interplay between gut microbiota and metformin treatment in type 2 diabetes through bile acid metabolism Estonian Research Council (PRG)Elin Org
01.05.2015– 31.10.2020Ageing with Elegans - C. elegansi elulisuse mudeli valideerimine, et paremini mõista tervise ja haiguse faktoreid eesmärgiga arendada tõenduspõhiseid preventsiooni, diagnostika, ravi ja muid strateegiaidEU H2020 grant no 633589Andres Metspalu
01.01.2016-30.09.2020PUT1339 - Deciphering the human past across East European populationsEstonian Research Council (PRG)Alena Kushniarevich
1.09.2017-31.08.2020DETECTIN-HF – Determining the role of clinical epi-genetic risk markers in cardiomyopathies and heart failure ERA-CVD grant (Joint transnational call 2016), Estonian Research Council, grant no 4-8/17/7Andres Metspalu, Maris Alver
1.09.2015 – 31.05.2020CORBEL - Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science services EU H2020 grant 654248Andres Metspalu
01.01.2014-31.12.2019IUT24-1 - The dawn of whole genomic era in archaeogenetics Estonian Research Council (IRG)Richard Villems
1.01.2014 – 31.12.2019IUT20-60 Omics for health: an integrated approach to understand and predict human disease Estonian Research Council (IRG) Andres Metspalu
January 2014 - December 2019IUT24-6 Tuumiktaristu: Estonian Centre for Genomics Estonian Research Council, EU Social Fund support for core facilities Andres Metspalu
01.07.2019 - 31.10.2019Green ICT – Preliminary studies on the development of a health and lifestyle data collection and management system Norway Grants Green ICT programmeLili Milani
1.08.2015 – 31.03.2019ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC - implementAtion anD OPeration of the gateway for healTh into BBMRI-ERIC EU H2020 grant no 676550Andres Metspalu
01.01.2016 – 28.02.2019ePerMed - Rise of scientific excellence and collaboration for implementing personalised medicine in Estonia EU H2020 grant no. 692145Andres Metspalu, Merike Leego, Merit Kreitsberg
01.01.2018 – 31.12.2018Point Lab - Population Intelligence Lab EIT-HealthTõnu Esko, Andrei Baikov
01.01.2018 – 31.12.2018i-Days - Innovation Days EIT-HealthAndres Metspalu, Merike Leego, Merit Kreitsberg
01.01.2018 – 31.12.2018EIT Health Product/Market Fit EIT-HealthAndres Metspalu, Andrei Baikov
01.01.2016-31.12.2018PUT1217 - Temporal dynamics of population structure in the territory of present Estonia - synthesis of data from ancient and contemporary genomes Eesti Teadusagentuur (PRG)Kristiina Tambets
2016–2018EIT – HealthEU grant EIT-Health by European Institute of Innovation & TechnologyAndres Mestpalu, Merike Leego
1.01.2015 – 31.12.2018TÕNISSON – PUT736 - Circulating DNA as a biomarker of lung cancer Eesti Teadusagentuur (PRG)Neeme Tõnisson
2015 –2018STACC EU48684 - Technologies for Information Extraction, data integration and management Tõnu Esko
2014 – 2018NIASC - The Nordic Information for Action eScience CenterNordic Centres of Excellence, NeGI NCoE eScience in Health and social preconditions for health grant no. 62721Andres Metspalu
September 2015- August 2018ECHC - Estonian Connected Health Cluster / Klastrite arendamise programmEAS grant no EU49305Merike Leego
01.03.2016 - 28.02.2018BioAge Labs - Understanding molecular signatures for human aging and all-cause mortality Collaboration agreement with BioAge Labs Inc., USATõnu Esko
01.03.2017 – 30.11.2017DocuMental - digital support system for mental health Connected Health ClusterAndres Metspalu, Eduard Maron
1.02.2013 – 01.01.2018Best Ageing - Biomarker Research Alliance for Diagnosing Heart Disease in the Ageing European PopulationEU FP7 grant no 306031Andres Metspalu, Tarmo Annilo
1.02.2013 – 30.11.2017BBMRI-LPC - Bio banking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure-Large Prospective Cohorts EU FP7, grant no 313010Andres Metspalu; Merike Leego, Annely Allik
November 2013 - November 2017CHIP ME - Citizen's Health through public-private Initiatives: Public health, Market and Ethical perspectives FP7 ISCH COST Action grant no IS1303-271113-07872Andres Metspalu, Merike Leego
July 2012 – July 2017NIH-BMI - Candidate Gene Studies of Obesity Guided by Whole Genome Association DataNIH, Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Services, USA, grant no. 2R01DK075787-06A1Andres Metspalu, Tõnu Esko
January 2016 – March 2017BroadNext10 - Towards Genomic-Based Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death NIH, Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Services, USAAndres Metspalu, Tõnu Esko
01.01.2016 - 31.12.2017EIT-Health MobilitasEesti Teadusagentuur, Mobilitas+ grantAndres Metspalu
17.10.2016 -20.11.2016JJ Pilot - Pilot study to obtain an overview of available genotypic and phenotypic information in the biobank database in collaboration with Janssen Research & Development LLCTõnu Esko
September 2013 – August 2016MIBIOandCMD - Gut microbiota, choline metabolites and cardiometabolic diseasesFP7 Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF) grant no 330381Elin Org
July 2013 – June 2016Nestle – Genomic and Metabolomic study to identify factors implicated in resistance to weight gainCollaboration agreementAndres Metspalu, Reedik Mägi
March 2011 – March 2016CTG - Center of Translational GenomicsDevelopment Fund of the University of TartuAndres Metspalu
January 2015 – December 2015 PerMed I - Pilot project "Creation of database of genome variability among Estonians" for personalized project TerVE programAndres Metspalu, Merike Leego
2014-2015TAP48-2 - Upgrade of the instrumentation in the pan-university core facility for genotyping and sequencing servicesEU structural Fund support through Archimedes Foundation, grant no 3.2.0302.13-0551 / SA Archimedes, Euroopa Stukruurifond, grant nr 3.2.0302.13-0551Andres Metspalu, Maris Väli-Täht
January 2012 – December 2015 Fischer ETF - Causal inference methodology for studies involving conventional and Mendelian randomization Estonian Research Foundation grant no ETF9353Krista Fischer
January 2012 – December 2015 MILANI ETF - In-depth genetic and epigenetic analyses of genes involved in drug metabolism by next-generation sequencing Estonian Research Foundation grant no ETF9293Lili Milani
April 2011- December 2015Estonian Centre for Genomics Estonian and European Research (infrastructure) Roadmap grant no 3.2.0304.11-0312Merike Leego, Ene Mölder, Andres Metspalu
January 2008 – December 2015TIPPKESKUS – Centre of Excellence in GenomicsFunding from EU European Regional Development Fund for the development of CoEsAndres Metspalu, Maido Remm
October 2011 - September 2015BiomarCaRE - Biomarker for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Europe FP7-HEALTH-2011.2.4.2-2, grant no 278913Andres Metspalu, Maris Alver
October 2011 – September 2015EUSARNAD - Joint European and South African Research Network in Anxiety Disorders FP7-PEOPLE-2010 (Marie Curie Actions—International Research Staff Exchange Scheme IRSES) grant no 269213Andres Metspalu
January 2012 – August 2015IndiMed - Implementation of Individualized Medicine: Education, Prediction and Treatment EU structural support through Archimedes Foundation, grant no: 3.2.1001.11-0033Andres Metspalu, Krista Fischer
January 2005 – December 2014SOTSMIN - Secure storage of all Estonian Genome Center tissue samples and data, establishing the prerequisites and guarantees for the long-term maintenance and usability of the samples and data Target financing from Estonian Ministry of Education and Science, grant no. SP1GVSOM Andres Metspalu
June 2011 - May 2014EuroEPINOMICS - Genetics of rare epilepsy syndromes (RES) ESF grant, EUROCORES programAndres Metspalu, Tiina Talvik, Eva Reinmaa, Margit Nõukas
March 2011 – February 2014MILANI MOBILTAS - In-depth Genetic and Epigenetic Analysis of the Cytochrome P450 System by Next-Generation Sequencing MOBILITAS Postdoctoral Research Grant no MJD71Lili Milani
August 2012 – January 2014TAP 30-1 - Modernization of the Genotyping and Sequencing Centre of the University of Tartu EU structural Fund support through Archimedes Foundation, grant no. 3.2.0302.12-0429Andres Metspalu, Maris Väli-Täht
January 2008 – December 2013Targeted Financing - Genetic variations, lifestyle and environmental factors in shaping the human health Funding from Estonian Research Council no. SF0180142Cs08Andres Metspalu
May 2012 - April 2013EFSD - Genomic, metabolomic, and demographic characteristics of type 2 diabetes in the Estonian population European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD) grant

Andres Metspalu, Toomas Haller

January 2008 – December 2012ENGAGE - European Network for Genetic and Genomic EpidemiologyFP7-HEALTH CP Collaborative grant no 201413Andres Metspalu
January 2009 – December 2012Metspalu ETF - Human genome variability and its association with longevity Estonian Research Council, grant no ETF7859Andres Metspalu
December 2009 - November 2012OPENGENE - Opening Estonian Genome Project for European Research Area FP7-REGPOT-2009-1 grant no 245536Andres Metspalu, Merike Leego
May 2010 – April 2012TAP2-22 - Establishment of the Genotyping and Sequencing Centre of the University of Tartu EU structural support through Archimedes Foundation, grant no 3.2.0302.10-0190Andres Metspalu, Merike Leego
April 2009 – March 2012EUROCOURSE—Europe against Cancer: Optimisation of the Use of Registries for Scientific Excellence in research FP7-ERANET-2007-RTD grant no 219453Andres Metspalu, Mati Rahu
January 2010 – January 2012TAP2-3 – Upgrade of sample release system in Estonian Genome Center, the University of Tartu EU structural support through Archimedes Foundation, grant no 3.2.0302.10-0189 Andres Metspalu, Krista Liiv
February 2008 – July 2010BBMRI - Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research InfrastructureFP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2007 grant no 212111Andres Metspalu
April 2007 - September 2009IDAMES - Innovative Dietary Assessment Methods in Epidemiological Studies and Public Health FP7 Public Health Program, grant no 2006315Andres Metspalu, Aidula-Taie Kaasik
March 2006 - August 2009PHOEBE - Harmonising Population-BasedBiobanks and Cohort Studies to Strengthen the Foundation of Biomedical Science in the Post-Genome EraFP6 grant no 518148Andres Metspalu
March 2005 – November 2007HeCaPrev EE LV - Development of Hereditary Cancer Prevention Measures in Estonia and LatviaINTERREG Regional Development Fund INTERREG IIIA grant no NI008Andres Metspalu, Monika Tuuling, Helene Alavere
July 2005 - June 2007ScanBalt Campus - A European Model Case for Transnational Institution Building in Education Research and DevelopmentBaltic Sea Region INTERREG IIIBAndres Metspalu, Helene Alavere
March 2005 - January 2006ScanBalt - ScanBalt Clinical Research NetworkNordic Innovations Center grant no 04096Andres Metspalu, Helene Alavere, Estonian Genome Project Foundation
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