Research group of microbiome

The human digestive tract is colonized by many very different microorganisms that play a crucial role in shaping our health and influencing the functioning of the immune system, metabolism, and nervous system. The composition and functioning of the microbiome are influenced by many different factors (gender, age, diet, genetics, living environment, health, etc.), and understanding these relationships provides important knowledge for microbiome-based studies.

Our research group is engaged in studying the connections between the microbiome and health, in the course of which we try to assess the suitability of the microbiome for preventing or early diagnosing diseases, find connections between the microbiome and different stages of diseases, and also study the impact of the microbiome on the functioning of drugs.

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Elin Org, portree
PI: Elin Org, PhD, Professor of microbiomics
Elin Org earned her PhD degree in molecular biomedicine from the University of Tartu, Estonia. Between 2011 and 2015, she carried out postdoctoral research at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) in the research group of Prof. Aldons J. Lusis. In 2013, Elin was awarded a Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship. In 2015, she returned to Estonia, where she established a research group at the Institute of Genomics of the University of Tartu with the support of the EMBO installation and the Estonian Research Council starting grants. In 2020, she became a member of the AcademiaNet, a portal for top female researchers. She belongs to the most highly cited scientists in 2022-2024, according to Clarivate Analytics.

In 2017, the microbiome research group established the Estonian Microbiome Cohort (EstMB), which is a nationwide initiative that includes stool and oral samples from over 2500 participants of the Estonian Biobank cohort, supplemented by regular links to national registries and hospital databases. Deep phenotyping and linking to electronic health records allow the study of microbiome-health associations in both retrospective and prospective settings. The research interests of the microbiome research group include, among others, establishing microbiome-based tools for assessing the risk of disease onset and studying the long-term effects of drug usage on the microbiome and health.

Our people

Oliver Aasmets

Oliver Aasmets
PhD Biomedicine

CV Google Scholar ORCID

Research Fellow

Research interests: drug-microbiome interactions, disease risk assessment, statistical modeling

PhD thesis: The importance of microbiome in human health

Kreete Lüll

Kreete Lüll
PhD Gene Technology

CV Google Scholar ORCID

Research Fellow

Research interests: the role of microbiome in female health, microbiome and autoimmune diseases

PhD thesis: Investigating the relationships between human microbiome, host factors and female health

Kertu Liis Krigul

Kertu Liis Krigul
PhD Gene Technology

CV Google Scholar ORCID


Research interests: Estonian Microbiome, The effects of antibiotics use on the microbiome and health

PhD thesis: „The gut microbiome at the interface of human health and disease

Nele Taba

Nele Taba

PhD Molecular Biomedicine

CV Google Scholar ORCID

Research Fellow

Research interests: The interplay between microbiome, blood metabolites and diet; statistical modelling and methodology

PhD thesis: Diet, blood metabolites, and health

Reidar Anderson

Reidar Andreson
PhD Bioinformatics

CV Google Scholar ORCID

Research Fellow

Research Interests: Microbiome Bioinformatics, computational support

PhD thesis: Methods and software for predicting PCR failure rate in large genomes

Kateryna Pantiukh

Kateryna Pantiukh
MSc Cytology and histology / Nanobiotechnology

CV Google Scholar ORCID

Junior Research Fellow

Research interests: Metagenome Assembled Genomes (MAGs), integration of complex molecular data

Supervisors: Elin Org

Annabel Klemets

Annabel Klemets
MSc Biomedicine

CV Google Scholar ORCID

Junior Research Fellow

Supervisors: Oliver Aasmets, Elin Org, Vallo Tillmann

Research interests: Longitudinal changes in the microbiome, early life microbiome

Supervisors: Oliver Aasmets, Vallo Tillmann, Elin Org

Andri Jääger

Andri Jääger
MD, general surgeon


Research interests: Surgical oncology, role of microbiome and lifestyle in colorectal cancer.

Supervisors: Jaan Soplepmann, Elin Org, Heigo Reima

Annabel Toom

Annabel Toom
BSc Genetic engineering


Master’s student

Supervisors: Oliver Aasmets, Elin Org

BSc thesis: “Pseudouridine synthase TruA participation in mutation processes of soil bacterium Pseudomonas putida KT2440” (Supervisors Signe Saumaa, Heili Ilves)


Madis Jaagura, PhD

Seungbaek Lee, PhD (visiting PhD student)

  • Supervisors: Andres Salumets, Elin Org, Terhi Piltonen, Riikka K. Arffman
  • Thesis title: “Mining biomarkers for infertility-associated conditions. Studies on polycystic ovary syndrome and recurrent implantation failure through microbiome and AI-based approaches”

Lisann Adamson, MSc

Linda Sootak, BSc

  • Supervisors: Kertu Liis Krigul, Elin Org
  • Thesis title: "Associations between the oral microbiome and colorectal cancer"

Claudia Maria Ruhno, BSc

  • Supervisors: Kertu Liis Krigul, Elin Org
  • Research interests: Using mouse model to study the human gut microbiome
  • Email:

Johanna Toodu, BSc

Valida Kazimova, BSc

  • Supervisors: Kertu Liis Krigul, Ingrid Reppo, Elin Org
  • Research interests: Microbiome-drug interactions in Type II Diabetes
  • Email:

Jennifer Neumaier, MSc

  • Supervisors: Oliver Aasmets, Elin Org
  • Thesis title: Benchmarking Machine Learning performances with Microbiome Data
  • Email:

Cheung Wai (Alex) Chan, MSc

Kristina Muhu, MSc

Triin Bulõgina, BSc

Johana Värv (Koppel), MSc

Overview of the ongoing projects

In 2017, we started collecting oral and stool microbiome samples from the Estonian population in order to investigate the role of the host microbiome in health and disease. The study participants were selected from the Estonian Biobank.


Sample types:

  • 2509 Stool samples; 328 samples with a second measurement ~ 4.5 years later
  • 2509 Oral samples
  • 2509 Plasma samples

Data for analysis:

  • Stool metagenomics data (avg. ~20M reads per person + deeper sequencing ~60M reads per person)
  • Metagenome assembled genomes, i.e. MAGs (Estonian reference including >80 000 assembled genomes)
  • Continuous linkings to electronic health records (EHRs) - diseases, medication usage, medical procedures
  • Self-reported questionnaires (health, environmental/lifestyle data, mental health)
  • Nightingale NMR metabolomics
  • Host genotypes

Research interest:

  • Prospective disease risk prediction
  • Metagenome-assembled genomes, i.e. MAGs (Bacteria, Archaea) and functional analysis
  • Developing statistical methodology - improving cross-cohort replication, causal inference

In collaboration with partners from the Tartu University Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Medicine (Prof. Margus Lember, Prof. Kalle Kisand), the Gastroenterology Department of Internal Medicine Clinic of Tartu University Hospital (Assoc. Prof. Riina Salupere, Dr Hendrik Laja, Dr Karin Kull), and the Department of Surgical and Gynecological Oncology of the Surgery Clinic of Tartu University Hospital (Dr Jaan Soplepmann, Dr Heigo Reima, Dr Taavi Põdramägi, Dr Andri Jääger), we investigate the role of the gut microbiome in the development of colorectal cancer (CRC). We currently collect samples from individuals who participate in the national CRC screening program in Estonia and from individuals who have been diagnosed with colorectal cancer and its pre-cancerous stages. The overall aim of the project is to find new microbiome-based biomarkers that would allow earlier and more accurate detection of colon cancer and contribute to the development of new diagnostic methods for CRC.

Colorectal cancer (clinical cohort)
Colorectal cancer (clinical cohort) (author: EstMB)

Sample types:

  • Oral samples
  • Different stool samples (FIT tubes, stabilisation buffer, Fresh-frozen),
  • Blood
  • Biopsy samples (polyp tissue, healthy epithelial tissue, tumour tissue)

Data and samples for analysis:

  • metagenomic and 16S rRNA gene sequencing,
  • DNA, RNA
  • histology data,
  • Self-reported health questionnaire

Research interest:

  • Identification of cancer-related signals in the microbiome of various sample sites
  • Identification of microbiome signatures in pre-cancerous stages

Gut microbiome alterations have been clearly linked with inflammatory human diseases. Multiple reports have shown that patients with ulcerative colitis have impaired intestinal barrier (so-called “leaky gut”), and bacteria may translocate into circulation via the gut-blood-liver axis. Moreover, recent studies have shown that blood has unique circulating microbial signatures in certain diseases. In collaboration with The Internal Medicine Clinic of Tartu University Hospital and The Gastroenterology department (Assoc. Prof. Riina Salupere, Dr Hendrik Laja), we would like to determine circulating blood and stool microbiome signatures in Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis and evaluate the diagnostic and prognostic value of these biomarkers.

Sample types:

  • >200 stool samples (>100 cases + >100 controls from EstMB)

Data for analysis:

  • Stool metagenomics data
  • Stool 16S rRNA gene sequencing data
  • Self-reported questionnaires (health, environmental/lifestyle data)

Research interest:

Identification of IBD-related signals in the microbiome

Rheumatic diseases - ENDOTARGET study (Populational cohort). Funded by H2020 (2023-2027)

Rheumatic diseases (RDs) affect more than 40% of Europe’s population and cause significant disability, pain, reduced lifespan and a very high economic burden (~240B€/year due to rheumatic and musculoskeletal disease in Europe). The study, including numerous international partners, explores the relationship between gut microbiota, gut permeability, and systemic endotoxemia with a special focus on the three most abundant rheumatic diseases (RDs): osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and spondylarthritis.

Statin treatment (Interventional trial) TeamPerMed project

Research evidence has shown that the bacterial community in our gut can significantly influence the effectiveness of statin therapy, including both response to treatment and side effects. This study aims to determine the microbial community in the gut and evaluate the interactions between microbes and statins. Analyzing intestinal microbes allows us to investigate two main aspects: firstly, how the microbial community of the gut affects the effectiveness of statin treatment (the suitability of the drug and the occurrence of side effects); and secondly, how the use of statins can, in turn, affect the microbial community of the gut. During the study, we collect samples of the microbiome from different time points, which will allow us to monitor changes in your microbiome community over a longer period and, more precisely, investigate the relationship between microbes and other health parameters collected in the study.

Parkinson’s disease (Clinical cohort, collaboration with Dr Toomas Toomosoo)

Parkinson's is a common neurological disease which directly affects around 1.2 million people in Europe. New studies strongly suggest a link between the gut microbiome and Parkinson's disease. The study aims to identify Parkinson-related microbiome signatures in the stool and evaluate the diagnostic and prognostic value of these biomarkers in relation to environmental factors.


  • Estonian Research Council grants PUT 1371 (2017-2021), PRG1414 (2022-2026)
  • European Commission grant DISCERN (2023-2027)
  • European Commission grant ENDOTARGET (2023-2027)
  • EMBO Installation grant 3573 (2018-2024)
  • European Regional Development Fund Project No. 15-0012 GENTRANSMED
  • Estonian Center of Genomics/Roadmap II project No 16-0125
  • Biocodex Foundation Grant (2022-2024)
  • The European Economic Area (EEA) and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms (2021-2024)

Major publications

  • A novel framework for assessing causal effect of microbiome on health: long-term antibiotic usage as an instrument. (2025)
    Authors: Taba et al.
    Journal: Gut Microbes
    Read the article
  • Effects of data transformation and model selection on feature importance in microbiome classification data. (2025)
    Authors: Karwowska & Aasmets et al.
    Journal: Microbiome
    Read the article
  • A history of repeated antibiotic usage leads to microbiota-dependent mucus defects (2024)
    Authors: Krigul & Feeney et al.
    Journal: Gut Microbes
    Read the article
  • Evaluating the clinical relevance of the enterotypes in the Estonian microbiome cohort (2022)
    Authors: Aasmets, O., Krigul, K. L., Org, E.
    Frontiers in Genetics
    Read the article
  • Gut metagenome associations with extensive digital health data in a volunteer-based Estonian microbiome cohort (2022)
    Authors: Aasmets, O., Krigul, K.L., Lüll, K., Metspalu, A., Org, E.
    Journal: Nature Communications
    Read the article
  • Differences in microbial profile of endometrial fluid and tissue samples in women with in vitro fertilization failure are driven by Lactobacillus abundance (2022)
    Authors: Lüll, K., Saare, M., Peters, M., Kakhiani, E., Zhdanova, A., Salumets, A., Boyarsky, K., Org, E.
    Journal: Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica
    Read the article
  • Using fecal immunochemical tubes for the analysis of the gut microbiome has the potential to improve colorectal cancer screening (2021)
    Authors: Krigul, K.L., Aasmets, O., Lüll, K., Org, T., Org, E.
    Journal: Scientific Reports
    Read the article
  • Large-scale association analyses identify host factors influencing human gut microbiome composition (2021)
    Authors: Kurilshikov, A., Medina-Gomez, C., Bacigalupe, R. jt.
    Journal: Nature Genetics
    Read the article
  • Machine Learning Reveals Time-Varying Microbial Predictors with Complex Effects on Glucose Regulation (2021)
    Authors: Oliver Aasmets, O., Lüll, K., Lang, J.M., Pan, C., Kuusisto, J., Fischer, K., Laakso, M., Lusis, A.J., Org, E.
    Journal: mSystems
    Read the article
  • The Gut Microbiome in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Its Association with Metabolic Traits (2020)
    Authors: Lüll, K., Arffman, R.K., Sola-Leyva, A., Molina, N.M, Aasmets, O., Herzig, K.-H., Plaza-Díaz, J., Franks, S., Morin-Papunen, L., Tapanainen, J.S., Salumets, A., Altmäe, S., Piltonen, T.T., Org, E.
    Journal: The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
    Read the article
  • Relationships between gut microbiota, plasma metabolites, and metabolic syndrome traits in the METSIM cohort (2017)
    Authors: Org, E., Blum, Y., Kasela, S., Mehrabian, M., Kuusisto, J., Kangas, A. J., Lusis, A. J. jt.
    Journal: Genome Biology
    Read the article


  • Faecal microbial load is a major determinant of gut microbiome variation and a confounder for disease associations. (2025)
    Authors: Nishijima et al.
    Journal: Cell
    Read the article
  • Gut microbiome in endometriosis: a cohort study on 1000 individuals. (2024).
    Authors: Pérez-Prieto et al.
    Journal: BMC medicine
    Read the article
  • Large-scale association analyses identify host factors influencing human gut microbiome composition. (2021).
    Authors: Kurilshikov et al.
    Journal: Nature Genetics
    Read the article
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