Archaeochemistry - Estonian Roots: Centre of Excellence

Archaeochemistry group (Archemy) works in the field of archaeological sciences with a focus on biomolecular archaeology. The team consists of experts in the fields of archaeology, human and animal osteology, stable isotopes, organic residue analysis, plant micro- and macro remains (archaeobotany), and radiocarbon dating bridging humanities and natural sciences. We have a direct association with the Institute of Chemistry of the University of Tartu, which has a long-term track record for working with the chemical analysis of cultural heritage objects, and the Institute of History and Archaeology that encompasses the theoretical know-how on the study of past.

Archeochemistry group focuses on the reconstruction of past diets and health together with migrations and provenancing of past populations, but the applied methods allow studying a much wider range of questions, including discussions over the topics related to environment and social structures/culture in general.

The Head of Arcaheochemistry Group is Mari Tõrv.

Further links:

The Collegium for Transdisciplinary Studies in Archaeology, Genetics and Linguistics, University of Tartu

Estonian Roots page

Estonian Roots Facebook page

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