On 7 November, the Ambassador of India Ajaneesh Kumar visited the University of Tartu. During the visit, the ambassador had a meeting Rector Toomas Asser and the Director of the Institute of Genomics.
From 7 October, the University of Tartu invites all employees, students, alumni and their families as well everyone else to orienteering in the city of Tartu.
On 17th October at 14:15 Oliver Aasmets will defend his doctoral thesis "The importance of microbiome in human health" for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Biomedicine).
All university members are invited to nominate candidates who would deserve to be awarded the university's honorary decoration for their outstanding achievements.
On Monday, the opening ceremony of the 2022/2023 academic year takes place in front of the University of Tartu main building. Everyone is invited to rally in support of higher education funding.
On 16 September at 10:15 Silva Lilleorg will defend her doctoral thesis “Bacterial ribosome heterogeneity on the example of bL31 paralogs in Escherichia coli”
On 7 September at 13:45 Katri Pärna will defend her doctoral thesis “Improving the personalized prediction of complex traits and diseases: application to type 2 diabetes”
On 26 August at 14:15 Tina Saupe will defend her doctoral thesis “The genetic history of the Mediterranean before the common era: a focus on the Italian Peninsula”
The first ancient genomes to be sequenced from the virus behind cold sores suggest that modern strains of herpes started to go global in the Bronze Age.
According to the universities’ reputation survey people of all age groups consider the University of Tartu to be Estonia’s most reputable higher education institution.
2.-3. septembril toimub 21. Geenifoorum, mis toob kokku silmapaistvad eksperdid Euroopast ja USA-st, et arutada geneetika ja genoomika valdkonna edusamme.
Until October 2022, all UT members can take one free Coursera course. Students can also use it towards the completion of their curriculum if they wish.
Kreete Lüll will defend her doctoral thesis entitled „Investigating the relationships between human microbiome, host factors and female health“ on 13th May.