Topic: for student

Five superpowers that doctoral studies will develop in you
Doctoral studies offer the chance to become an expert in a narrow field while also developing the skills of making connections and the ability to process information, manage challenging projects, learn from criticism, and, at the same time, manage time efficiently.
More than 160 students took part in the mentoring programme in the autumn semester
This year’s mentoring programme, which drew a record number of participants – 167 mentoring pairs, ended on 19 February.
03. March 2025 for studentalumni
Career conference focuses on the value of PhD in the labour market
On 11 February, the University of Tartu organises the Estonian Doctoral School’s second Career Conference, The Value of a Doctoral Degree in the Job Market, in the university library.
See what roles the university mascot Tiksu took on during the Christmas season
This year, the brand-new Tiksu’s Advent calendar “24 Tiksus until Christmas” made the Christmas month special.
29. November 2024 for student
Three Rectors’ Scholarship competition for the academic year 2023/2024 is now open
The competition for the scholarship established by the rectors of the University of Tartu, University of Latvia and Vilnius University has started again to promote the teaching and learning of the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian languages and cultures.
01. November 2023 for studentcooperation
Women share their success stories in technology and industry
conference “Empowering women for leadership in science and technology”
Night Library lasts longer than ever this spring
Night Library will be 20 years old this year, and to celebrate this, the project will last longer than ever before - for five weeks. The Night Library opened on Monday, 15 May.
13. May 2023 for studentstudies