Topic: for society

Women share their success stories in technology and industry
conference “Empowering women for leadership in science and technology”
Barlova Science Night: you are what you eat!
The guests of our next scince night are archaeochemist Ester Oras and archaeologist Mari Tõrv.
27. April 2023 for society
University of Tartu received €30 million to develop a centre of excellence for personalised medicine
Tartu Ülikooli ja Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi eestvedamisel luuakse järgmise kuue aasta jooksul Eestisse rahvusvahelisel tipptasemel personaalmeditsiini teadus- ja arenduskeskus.
06. January 2023 cooperationfor society
This autumn’s orienteering month introduces places related to the Faculty of Science and Technology
From 7 October, the University of Tartu invites all employees, students, alumni and their families as well everyone else to orienteering in the city of Tartu.
07. October 2022 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Oliver Aasmets “The importance of microbiome in human health”
On 17th October at 14:15 Oliver Aasmets will defend his doctoral thesis "The importance of microbiome in human health" for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Biomedicine).
29. September 2022 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Silva Lilleorg “Bacterial ribosome heterogeneity on the example of bL31 paralogs in Escherichia coli”
On 16 September at 10:15 Silva Lilleorg will defend her doctoral thesis “Bacterial ribosome heterogeneity on the example of bL31 paralogs in Escherichia coli”
23. August 2022 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Nele Taba “Diet, blood metabolites, and health”
On 9 September at 12:15 Nele Taba will defend her doctoral thesis “Diet, blood metabolites, and health”
19. August 2022 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Katri Pärna “Improving the personalized prediction of complex traits and diseases: application to type 2 diabetes”
On 7 September at 13:45 Katri Pärna will defend her doctoral thesis “Improving the personalized prediction of complex traits and diseases: application to type 2 diabetes”
16. August 2022 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Tina Saupe “The genetic history of the Mediterranean before the common era: a focus on the Italian Peninsula”
On 26 August at 14:15 Tina Saupe will defend her doctoral thesis “The genetic history of the Mediterranean before the common era: a focus on the Italian Peninsula”
28. July 2022 researchfor society
Doctoral defence: Ludovica Molinaro “Ancestry deconvolution of Estonian, European and Worldwide genomic layers: a human population genomics excavation”
On June 20th, 2022, Ludovica Molinaro will defend her doctoral thesis in gene technology „“Ancestry deconvolution of Estonian, European and Worldwide genomic layers: a human population genomics excava
02. June 2022 researchfor society